Emancipation Park is available to Jamaicans and visitors to the country for the purpose of recreation or leisure time occupations. As such, any event to be held at the Park should be in line with such purposes and should in no way interfere with the natural enjoyment of any visitor to the Park or compromise the reputation/integrity of the Park.
Furthermore, all events being held at the Park should be in conformance with the Park Rules and Regulations, a copy of which may be obtained from the Park Office.
The Park is a public facility; consequently, events being held there cannot exclude the general public.
The Park is a non-profit entity and therefore no fees should be charged by organizers for any event for which the use of the Park is required.
The Emancipation Park Board of Trustees and the National Housing Trust will not be held liable for any damage and/or loss which may occur to any equipment, property or item being utilized by the organizers for the staging or any event at the Park.
Organizers using the Park for the staging of any event will be held liable for loss of and/or damage to Park property resulting from negligence or willful deliberate action.
Persons /organizers using the Park for the staging of an event will not be covered under the Park's insurance policy. As such, any person/organizer staging an event in the Park will be required to procure insurance to secure the event.
The following documents must be submitted with the completed Application form:
Signed Waiver of Liability
Licence to use copyrighted music from the Jamaica Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers Limited
An amusement licence from the KSAC
Evidence of Event Insurance Policy
Failure to present these documents will result in non-approval of the event.
All events being held at the Park must begin and end within the official opening hours of the Park. Opening hours are Mondays - Fridays 5:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight.
All applications for special use of the Park must be made at least 4 weeks prior to the staging of the event for which the Park is being requested for use.
All applications for special use of the Park will be submitted to the Emancipation Park Board of Trustees for a decision. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to decide as it sees fit and its decision is final.
Decisions of the Board will be communicated to the applicant within ten days of the application. The NHT will not be responsible for any cost/expenses incurred prior to or after approval.
All organizers of events requesting special use of the Park for the staging of any event must sign SECTION C of the Application Form verifying their intent to abide by the rules and regulations of the Park.
The Board of Trustees will not accept any liability for the abandonment of any event due to inclement weather, act of God, any man-made disaster, which may occur, or for any other reason, which may frustrate the holding of any event for which, prior approval has been obtained for special use of the Park.
All property brought into the Park for the use of the event must be removed within 12 hours after the staging of the event. Failure to do so will result in the property being discarded. It is the responsibility of the applicant to leave the Park in the condition in which it was found prior to the staging of the event.
All fees for the use of the Park must be paid prior to the event either by cash or a certified cheque.